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Best M.Tech University For Power System In jaipur, Rajasthan

M.Tech in Power System & Engineering

M. Tech (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) Power System Engineering is a two-year post-graduate programme. The program is a combination of related disciplines like System Analysis of Power, Planning of Stability Evaluations forecasting, as well as Reliability, Power Electronics and Drives as well as High Voltage DC Transmission, Industrial Electronics and Controls, Wind and Solar Energy Electric Conversion System etc. Under this program, students develop the ability to manage projects in budget and time-constrained environment.


ELIGIBILITY : Passed in B.E/B.Tech (Engg.) or AMIE or equivalent. Obtained at least 55% Marks for all categories.

ADMISSION CRITERIA : Qualifying in Apex Common Entrance Test (ACET) /GATE/Any State Entrance Examination + Personal Interview

SCHEDULE : Semester (4 Semesters)

PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS : Power Systems Engineering is a subfield of engineering that deals with the generation transmission and distribution of electricity, as well as the electrical devices connected to such systems, including generators motors and transformers.

What is the Career Prospects After doing M-Tech in Power System Enginerring?
Career prospects for a power systems engineer will vary based on the type of power system they work with, such as wind turbines or electrical power systems.

How can I get admission at Apex?
You may apply online and offline.

Can I do job during my studies?
Yes,You can do job during your studies. You have to submit No Objection Certificate for the same.

What is the eligibility of M-tech?

Student Testimonials
