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UNESCO - 17 Sustainable Goals

As per United Nations Education Scientific and cultural organization Apex University under the ages of Sanjay Siksha Samiti
has undertook 17 Goals to make the society and Environment Healthier.

Project Leader - Comm. Devender Shekhawat

Assistant Project Leader - Shreyans Juniwal

Amount Raised 14.35 Lac

No Poverty

It is difficult rather impossible for the people to live in dignity and take care of themselves without money & financial assistance, which defines the poverty. As per the available statistics almost 836 million people worldwide continue to live in creeping poverty. In a global scenario, Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia are the two worst affected continents. Almost, 70% of the global population lives below the poverty line in these two regions.

Since an educated society is capable of prudently take decisions that support equal rights, access to economic and natural resources, and provision of essential services for all men and women—including ownership and control over land and property, inheritance, appropriate new technology, and financial services—education is supposed to be a key factor in bringing down the poverty.

After a thorough study, research & practical observations of the key factors responsible for poverty, I took the following initiatives & measures to remove poverty from the village adopted by me:

  • Identification of Poor
  • Generating Employment opportunities for the identified poor
  • Free access to education & health care facilities
  • Establishment of small-scale village industries
  • Encouraging poor for their active participation
  • Organizing training camps & night classes for imparting vocational training to unskilled labourers.
  • Upgradation of Agricultural practices to raise productivity
  • Development of infrastructure
  • Motivating the poor to acquire skills, information & knowledge.

Zero hunger

Hunger is a subjective concept, its definition varies from person to person depending upon perception and understanding of requirements and objectives of life, availability of resources, socioeconomic and cultural perspectives. Hunger exists when a person‘s body lacks required nutrients to grow and develop a productive, active and healthy life. The term hunger includes malnutrition, famine, starvation and appetite as well. Hunger also denotes the scarcity of food in a country. In India, hunger is one of the crucial problems. Though it is always assumed that hunger stems from lack of food, it is not completely true as hunger can stem from food mismanagement and wastage as well. For example, while India produces enough food to feed its population, the country is also home to 25 percent of the world’s hungry population. India ranked 103 among 119 countries in the Global Hunger Index (2018) rankings. The country’s economic growth and the changing demographics are also transforming patterns of food demand. Therefore, a holistic approach to food security requires ensuring available, accessible and nutritious food to eradicate hunger and malnutrition in India.

There are currently 795 million undernourished individuals on the planet, and by the year 2050, that number is projected to rise by an additional 2 billion. 12.9% of people live in developing nations, where they make up the great majority of the world's hungry people.

I have provided free ration to the lowest income group for initial two months and also made arrangement of food for them through community services & with the help of the government organisations.

Good health and wellbeing

Health, pleasure, and prosperity are the hallmarks of a state of well-being, which is defined as a sense of satisfaction with life. The maintenance of the human body and all efforts to keep it free from disease and drunkenness while facilitating access to medical care are all part of good health.

Vaccines cost $1 billion USD annually and potentially save up to 1 million children. More than 6 million children still pass away before turning five every year, despite the fact that vaccinations have prevented 17,000 fewer deaths every day since 1990.

Ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being at all ages is essential to sustainable development. It seeks to ensure health and well-being for all, at every stage of life. It addresses all major health priorities, including reproductive, maternal and child health, communicable, noncommunicable and environmental diseases, universal health coverage; and access to safe, effective, high quality, and affordable medicines and vaccines for all.

A regular supply of water, sanitation, and hygiene practices are key components in any basic health service system. The most critical aspects are access to safe drinking water, use of toilets, and hand hygiene. Correct and continuous practices of these basic factors lead to prevention of disease spread. The village people face health challenges due to lack of access to clean water, proper sanitation, and availability of soap and handwashing facilities.

To tackle these social, economic, and health-related challenges, I have arranged various awareness programs to spread the importance of safe drinking water, use of toilets, and the benefits of washing hands thoroughly.

I also arranged to provide medical assistance to the villagers by affiliating with other hospitals. I used to Set up health & hygiene camps and provided free health checkups & vaccines to people of all ages.

Quality education

Education is the process of assisting learning, or the development of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. In particular, quality education comprises matters like the development of adequate skills, gender parity, the supply of proper school infrastructure, equipment, educational materials and resources, scholarships or teaching staff.

Although in developing nations around 91% of the children are enrolled in school, there still are about 57million children who are not attending school. In sub-Saharan Africa, more than half of youngsters do not attend school. Children of primary school age who are not enrolled in school live in conflict-affected areas, according to estimates. More than 60% of the 103 million young people who are still illiterate worldwide are female.

In order to provide quality education to the village students belonging to humble backgrounds, I often arrange to organize education fair where school teachers from Apex International School talk about the importance of education & it’s impact to the village students. The teachers also motivate & give free interactive lessons to encourage the interest of the students & their engagement in education.

Gender equality

Gender equality is when people of all genders have equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities. Everyone is affected by gender inequality - women, men, trans and gender diverse people, children and families. It impacts people of all ages and backgrounds.

We need gender equality urgently. Gender equality prevents violence against women and girls. It’s essential for economic prosperity. Societies that value women and men as equal are safer and healthier. Gender equality is a human right. Everyone benefits from gender equality.

Gender equality is achieved when women, men, girls and boys have equal rights, conditions and opportunities, and the power to shape their own lives and contribute to the development of society. It is a matter of equitable distribution of power, influence and resources in society.

According to the notion of gender equality, despite their biological differences, men and women should be treated equally and have the same rights. These shouldn't keep people from enjoying the same opportunities for academic and personal success.

In the majority of developing nations, gender parity in primary education has been attained. Only 74 girls out of every 100 boys attended basic school in Southern Asia in 1990. By 2012, enrollment rates for boys and girls were equal. In comparison, less than one in five paid positions in the non-agricultural sector are held by women in Northern Africa. And only 46 nations have at least 30% of seats in parliament filled by women.

In order to implement Gender equality in the village population, a talk was held to the Head of the village ‘Panchayat” and convinced him to encourage the village people to give similar freedom to the village girls for their participation in all the activities and to avail the equal opportunities in all the domains of life may it be education, sports or career of their choice.

Clean water and sanitation

"Clean water and sanitation for all" is the 6 th out of the 17 Sustainable Development Goal established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015, the official wording is: "Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all."

While substantial progress has been made in increasing access to clean drinking water and sanitation, billions of people—mostly in rural areas—still lack these basic services. Worldwide, one in three people do not have access to safe drinking water, two out of five people do not have a basic hand-washing facility with soap and water, and more than 673 million people still practice open defecation.

Availability and access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services is fundamental to fighting the virus and preserving the health and well-being of millions.

Sustainable management of water resources and access to safe water and sanitation are essential for unlocking economic growth and productivity and provide significant leverage for existing investments in health and education.

To overcome the clean water & sanitation problems prevalent in the village, I use to run awareness campaigns by organizing village-level camps from time to time. I also plead with people to donate generously to provide clean drinking water & sanitation facilities in the village to stop people from using open defecation. I have installed hand pumps for clean drinking water & toilets at the community level for the purpose of sanitation in the village.

Affordable and Clean Energy

It aims to "Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all."

Ensuring universal access to affordable electricity by 2030 means investing in clean energy sources such as solar, wind and thermal. Adopting cost-effective standards for a wider range of technologies could also reduce the global electricity consumption by buildings and industry by 14 percent.

Clean energy refers to energy generated from recyclable sources without emitting greenhouse gases. There is confusion and debate on the definitions of clean, renewable, and green energy such as whether clean energy includes sources that generate environmental side effects besides emissions.

Clean energy provides a variety of environmental and economic benefits, including a reduction in air pollution. A diverse clean energy supply also reduces the dependence on imported fuels and the associated financial and environmental costs this incurs.

Solar Energy is a very clean form of energy and can be used extensively due to its abundance. Technologies like photovoltaics, concentrated solar power and solar heating and cooling, are fast catching on to produce and supply energy even to places with no access to conventional fuels & therefore it is more convenient to install solar panels in village.

Wind Power: A clean, free, albeit intermittently available, form of energy, the kinetic energy possessed by moving winds can be captured to produce energy. Wind farms, consisting of a number of individual wind turbines, are installed at frequently windy sites.

I have with the assistance of state government have arranged to install solar panels at subsidized rates at community level in the village adopted by me to provide lights on the streets & also in the houses of the poor people who cannot afford to pay for electricity bills.

Decent work and economic growth

The International Labour Organization (ILO) defines decent work as “productive work for women and men in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity”. In general, work is considered as decent when: it pays a fair income. it guarantees a secure form of employment and safe working conditions.

Ultimately, decent work underpins peace and security in communities and societies. Over the past few years, India has achieved economic growth surpassing that of other larger middle- income, developing, countries.

As labor productivity decreases and unemployment rates rise, standards of living begin to decline due to lower wages. Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs that stimulate the economy while not harming the environment.

The village economic development depends more on the intensity of land-use than the absolute amount of farmland resources; transportation infrastructure, labor outmigration, and land transfer are determinants of village economic development with increasing marginal effects; non-farm employment,

entrepreneurship, and bottom-up partnership are also positively related to village economic development despite their non-linear effects. Large-scale labor outmigration would bring a short-term positive effect but poses a long-term challenge to village development. The priority should be given to the construction of transportation infrastructure, regulation of farmland transfer, industrial integration, promotion of rural entrepreneurship, and land consolidation to achieve sustainable development of the village economy.

As the villagers are specialized in pottery artifacts, in order to promote sales & to make it the perineal source of their income, I have initiated posters and advertisements campaign so that people from the neighborhood villages & neighboring cities visit the village and purchase the pottery & other items from the local artisans and could help increase their source of income.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Inclusive and sustainable industrialization, together with innovation and infrastructure, can unleash dynamic and competitive economic forces that generate employment and income. They play a key role in introducing and promoting new technologies, facilitating international trade and enabling the efficient use of resources.

However, the world still has a long way to go to fully tap this potential. Least developed countries, in particular, need to accelerate the development of their manufacturing sector if they are to meet the 2030 target, and scale up investment in scientific research and innovation.

Industrialization drives economic growth, creates job opportunities and thereby reduces income poverty. Innovation advances the technological capabilities of industrial sectors and prompts the development of new skills.

Build resilient Infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation. A functioning and resilient infrastructure is the foundation

of every successful community. To meet future challenges, our industries and infrastructure must be upgraded.

Through collected donations, I have been able to support & finance village level social entrepreneurs and also helped financially in building primary schools & in the development of infrastructure of already existing educational institutions in the village adopted by me. Construction of toilets have also been done by me.

Reduced inequalities

Reducing inequalities and ensuring no one is left behind are integral to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Inequality within and among countries is a persistent cause for concern. Despite some positive signs toward reducing inequality in some dimensions, such as reducing relative income inequality in some countries and preferential trade status benefiting lower-income countries, inequality still persists.

Inequalities are also deepening for vulnerable populations in countries with weaker health systems and those facing existing humanitarian crises. Refugees and migrants, as well as indigenous peoples, older persons, people with disabilities and children are particularly at risk of being left behind. And hate speech targeting vulnerable groups is rising.

End all forms of discrimination. Discrimination remains a persistent driver of inequality. Because of the systematic exclusion of ethnic minorities, indigenous peoples, women and other groups, the benefits of rural growth are likely to be

unevenly distributed, unless swift action is taken to promote their inclusion, including by addressing prejudice and discrimination.

Religious intolerance, gender & caste discrimination is another important factor of social in equalities mostly among uneducated village population.

I have organized camps in the village to educate the people on their religious intolerance, gender & caste discrimination.

Sustainable cities and communities

The world is developing at an unprecedented scale. Over the next 20 years, urban population in developing countries will double to 4 billion, while the urbanized land area will triple. Rapid growth helps create new opportunities, but it has also brought serious social, economic, and environmental challenges.

Urban and rural communities around the world increasingly feel the urge to tackle these challenges and increase their resilience to poverty and inequality, social exclusion, violence and fragility, as well as climate change and disaster risks. Building sustainable communities—whether they are villages, cities, or countries and societies at large—will be critical to eliminating poverty and boosting shared prosperity.

First, Sustainable Communities are environmentally sustainable in terms of cleanliness and efficiency.

Second, Sustainable communities are resilient to social, economic, and natural shocks. They are well prepared for natural disasters, which are increasing in intensity and frequency due to climate change.

Third, Sustainable Communities are inclusive communities. They bring all dimensions of society and all groups of people—including the marginalized and vulnerable—into their markets, their services, and their development.

And finally, Sustainable Communities are competitive communities that can stay productive and generate jobs for members of the community.

Building inclusive, resilient, competitive and sustainable cities and communities is essential for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, and eliminating extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity at the local, regional, and national levels.

Five ways to make cities healthier and more sustainable: 1. Promoting urban agriculture.2. Encouraging healthy diets.3. Reducing and managing food waste. 4. Boosting green spaces for healthier environments and improved lifestyles. 5. Reconnecting cities with surrounding rural areas.

Responsible consumption and production

Sustainable consumption and production are about doing more and better with less. It is also about decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation, increasing resource efficiency and promoting sustainable lifestyles

Achieving sustainable consumption and production patterns secures efficiency and productivity gains, ensuring that human activities remain within the carrying capacity of the planet, while respecting the rights of future generations.

Choose reusable products. Use an eco-bag for shopping, a reusable water bottle or a cup to reduce your plastic waste. Advocate for corporate responsibility. Join petitions and campaigns calling out businesses with unsustainable practices

"Responsible consumption means that buyers, whether involved in the economy as a private or public entity, or as citizen consumers must make their choice taking into account environmental impacts at all stages of the product life cycle (for both goods and services)"

A camp is organized by me from time to time in the village to spread awareness among the village population about the use of reusable eco bags made of clothes/papers and to avoid plastic bags harmful to nature & environment. Use clay utensils that are eco-friendly.

Climate Change

global warming, sustainable development, renewable energies, goober gas, solar, rain water harvesting, green house gas, factories close, coal reduction in factories

For several decades, it has been a constant observation that global warming has been very prevalent in Rajasthan. Chandwaji village has wether stations so we went there and for 6months observed the changes in rainfall, humidity and wind velocity. Then we understood the severity of impact of climate change on the village. To counter the harmful impacts, we educated villagers and promoted the use of renewable energy instead of coal. Major benefit of using renewable energy is that it generates energy that produces no greenhouse gas emission and so leads to reduction in air pollution. We also spread the awareness of importance of using rain water harvesting as through carefully prediction, it was deduced that Jaipur would face severe water shortage problems in future so storing water is essential.

Furthermore, there were a few factories in the village that were polluting above their limits, damaging the environment. Through talks with the locals, we got to know that these factories were exploiting localist by paying them well below the minimum wage. To help them, we facilitated talks with few government officials and made them aware about this situation.

Life below water

Sustainability is essential for development. However, the life below water has been severely affected by the human activities. In order to not harm or damage the under water life, we conducted few interviews where we asked the local heads of the villages about their most important lake/river in their village. Once our targeted lakes were known to us, we took the initiative of cleaning them. However, that wasn’t sufficient for long term so we undertook the responsibility of making the localists aware about the harmful effects of use of excessive plastics that eventually get thrown in the lakes and so they become a major cause of problems for aquatic animals such as fishes which might get chocked by it. We also educated them about the importance of reusing things even if it be a small water bottle. We distributed reusable water bottle and a workshop was also scheduled to get them aware about how to make BEST OUT OF WASTE. This way less plastic is made and hence lesser complications in the aquatic life. A seminar was also planned to educate them about the flora and fauna and charts were distributed to young kids to get them familiar with aquatic animals.

Life on Land

There has been several instances where it has been recorded that several animals have continued to face abuse in the wild. It was hence an essential task for us to educate the villagers about Critically Endangered, Endangered and Vulnerable species. Not only animals and plants are important to keep great biodiversity, but also fungi and microorganisms are an integral part of maintaining it. Drives were initiated wherein villagers were taken to zoos and other conservatives places which helped them realise the importance of biodiversity and they were educated that how biodiversity not only provides livelihoods but also ensure health and food security. However, due to human activity such as agricultural expansion and illegal logging, wildlife in villages continue to face a threat. In order to have effective biodiversity conservation, appropriate infrastructure was needed. Furthermore, a change was needed in the resource management of natural resources and economic policies which were becoming a major harm to the sustainability of environment.

There were screenings of documentaries and movies done too so that we could attract a bigger crowd and so spread awareness more easily and quickly.

Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

To achieve this goal, we developed a corporate governance system. In this, we provided basic education to small sectors. We conducted several drives to ensure that ethical practices are followed in overall working environment. We educated them about the 6 fundamental rights of India

  • Right to Equality
  • Right to Freedom
  • Right against Exploitation
  • Right to Freedom of Religion
  • Cultural and Educational Rights
  • Right to Constitutional Remedies

We conducted numerous campaigns for judges, lawyers, ministries of justice and tribunals staff.

Partnerships For The Goals

Many things can be solved with a collaborative effort. Hence, we partnered with many NGOs which were working in that field to achieve the goals of UNESCO

The Earth Saviour Foundation

( is an internationally recognised NGO. Established in 2008, it has contributed in raising well being of many underprivileged, provided a safe environment for mistreated animals, and even took care of homeless people or senior citizens in old age homes. Their continuous efforts has made Earth a better place to live in. Through their dedications and commitment, The Earth Saviours Foundation have helped to raise community welfare. We partnered with them for their assistance in helping us treat abused animals.

Help in suffering

( 42 years ago, the Help in Suffering NGO has always believed that “until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened, and that a people without love are a people without soul.” Through their projects such as Animal Birth Control and Immunisation against Rabies, Camel Welfare Project, they have received numerous accolades such as Jeanne Marchig Animal Welfare Award in 2021 for “Outstanding Practical Work Over Many Years in the Field of Animal Welfare and Protection”. We partnered with them for their assistance in helping us treat abused animals.


( in January 1st 1998 for the empowering women and children, SIDART has become one of the most well known NGO in India. We partnered with them for improving child heath. We did one of the largest program for the reduction in Infant Mortality rate and reduce households dependance on government welfare for their living standard. It was called the “Child Health and Child Survival Programme” has benefited through direct and indirect methods in about 237 villages, totalling a population of 2,400,000. Several drives such as Covid vaccination drives, Tuberculosis drives were conducted.

Sanjay Shiksha Samiti

Though the association with Sanjay Shiksha Samiti organization, we were able to provided education related assistance to several underprivileged students and schools. Free books and lessons were given to them by the professors under ever circumstance, whether it be in day or at night. Several small libraries were set up. We also set up a drives teachers training.